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Sports Consultancy and Performance Tests 23/24

Sports Consultancy and Performance Tests 23/24


The Wrexham Centre for Performance offers consultancy services to individuals and teams. Led by Dr Chelsea Batty who oversees a team of specialists consultants, they offer a range of services for athletes, novice individuals and teams to further develop performance, health, exercise and nutrition.

If you would like to find out more, please email [email protected]

The below are some of the services offered with the associated price:

VO2max test £120

VO2max test with report £140

Ventilatory threshold testing £150

Lactate threshold test £140

Lactate threshold test with report £160

Body composition analysis £50

Full dietary analysis £80

Full written diet plan £120

Blood lipid profile £35

Full health MOT £55


Partners of Wrexham University are offered 20% discount. Partners need to liaise with [email protected] to receive Partners Validation Code for purchasing.

 Standard+ ReportPartnersPart + Rep
VO2 max testing
Lactate Test
Dietary analysis
Written diet plan
Blood lipid profile
Ventilatory Test
Body Composition
Full health screen

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